Myname is somsak kamaree Nick nameTongI live in chang Klang. I ma 17 years old. I am175 cmtall
I am60kgWeight.I have fale skin I am cheerful and plain
My birthday is the 22th of December 1995
I’m Gender/sex Male and Education Primary school
wat chandee school Secondary school wat Chandee school.andMarital statas Single I’m studyingat Chang klang prachanukul school I want Engineering My favotite food is pad thai and fried chickew. My motto is not be the future of the mation but to be the present time of the nation. My major is science-math.My hobby is drawing pictutes. There are 5 in My family and father name is somsi kammaree name mother samran Boonjit name sister prada kammaree Name ornjan kammaree I live with My parentMy faroritc sportis bad minton I can drawing pictures My ambition is sing a song